PDR Property Lawyers Mobile App

Download PDR Property Lawyers’ New Mobile Conveyancing App!

You asked and we listened: Introducing PDR Property Lawyers’ new mobile conveyancing app!

Did you know that over 80% of property buyers and sellers want more digital communication when it comes to finalising their sale or purchase. In fact, 1/3 of homeowners stated that they currently aren’t happy with the amount of communication they receive from their conveyancer, which led us to think that there must be a better way.

PDR Property Lawyers’ conveyancing app solves this breakdown in communication by connecting you to us all through one, easy-to-use app. Our app is available on both IOS and Android app stores and is designed to be both safe and secure. Once you’ve downloaded, you’ll be able to:

It’s time you said goodbye to chasing case updates and hello to staying connected and informed through the entire buying or selling process. At PDR Property Lawyers, we’re always continuing to put you and your needs first. Download our mobile conveyancing app today and follow your case from start to finish.

App on iphone X